Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pi Delmar Loop

Pi in the Delmar Loop claims to be "sustainably delicious". While The Green Restaurant Association is more qualified to speak to their claims of sustainability, I can certainly verify the delicious claim.

I was joined, once again, by my dear dining friends Holly and Tracy. Being the only Pi virgin at the table I was given a "moment" to drink in the menu and myriad of pizza choices. As our very patient and capable waiter, Ryan (a dead ringer for Shaggy from Scooby Doo), pointed out to us, we were not limited to the pizza choices listed on the menu. Ingredients and toppings could be added, made up, moved from thick to thin, served on half, and I believe we were even given the option to have it served to us on the moon. Had that been a genuine choice, I think its the only thing that would earn this place higher marks from me.

The ingredients were fresh, and real. As I served up my slice of Western Edition (on thin not thick) the fresh mozzarella, ricotta, and feta cheese stretched beautifully away. On top of the cheese sat mushrooms (you know the kind that DON'T come in a can), Spinach (actual leaves of spinach) and sweet onions. While I thought every ingredient delightful and harmonious, Tracy did have the dissenting opinion that the mushrooms tasted like cardboard.

The pizza that Tracy chose to order for us was a classic deep dish pizza with the cheese on the bottom and the sauce on the top. In between were large chunks of pork sausage, bacon, and chiuaua cheese. While it rang very clearly of a perfect dish of deep, I indulged in only one slice to save myself for the Western Edition.

The atmosphere of Pi was funky and eclectic, even where we chose to sit outside. While we were approached twice by those claiming to need money the staff quickly did their part to disperse them as soon as possible. We didn't mind giving up a slice of Pi to one of them though, to be blessed means to bless. If this is not the kind of blessing that you are into, sitting inside quickly solves this problem.

"Green" restaurants are becoming more and more popular and pizza is a perfect landscape for that new frontier. Pi does it right with a great atmosphere, real ingredients, perfect crust, and wonderful service. I would rec this to anyone looking for a casual but indulgent date night or lunch with fabulous friends.

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