Friday, November 20, 2009

I am BACK!

Sorry for the extended absence. The fact that a few of you mentioned missing my entries encouraged me to figure out what was wrong with my blog that was preventing me from logging in. I am excited to continue sharing with you tips, recipes, successes, failures, and restaurant recommendations with you. But I have something to ask of you first.

I want to know from you what you want to read about. I also want your tips and suggestions. If you aren't a member of this forum feel free to email me or post on my facebook. I would really love for this to be a two way street.

Now, to the meat of the matter. I have been stuck in the last little bit. My career as a teacher is on hold awaiting some red tape and paperwork. In the meantime I have had an opportunity to reflect on my choices and opportunities. In other words, I am broke and I need to figure out how to make some dough (and I am no baker).

But given that I am already broke why not take the time to think about what I love to do. Recently in my Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Class (highly recommended) I wrote a note on Gene's paper that simply said "I am so discouraged, the only thing I can think of that I am passionate about is people and food". Almost immediately I figured out what I would love to do with my time, my life, my livilhood. I would LOVE to teach cooking.

Here is where the birds chirp the benevolent stranger comes and begs me to use his money to open a one of a kind culinary institute, and pay off all my bills so that I can focus on my new mission. Ah... no. Living in the real world as I have for the last 3o something years, I think I need to take a different approach.

While pursuing my teaching certificate I will also be going back into the world of home direct sales. Many of you may know that I used to be a Tastefully Simple Consultant. I really enjoyed the business but life took me on some turns that pulled me away from it. I plan on diving back in enthusiastically. Its a perfect combination of people and food.

While I am excited about this new venture its not the end game of my plans. Stay tuned to find out what comes next. In the meantime, Let's Eat!

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